Why Gaining Real YouTube Views is Hard for Beginners (And How to Overcome It)

If you are a beginner on YouTube, you might have wondered why it is so hard to get real views on your videos. You spend hours creating, editing, and uploading your content, but you barely get any views, likes, or comments. You see other channels with millions of subscribers and views, and you wonder what they are doing differently. You might even feel discouraged and think about giving up. Well, don’t lose hope. In this blog post, I will explain why gaining real YouTube views is hard for beginners, and how you can overcome this challenge and grow your channel.

Why Gaining Real YouTube Views is Hard for Beginners?

There are many reasons why gaining real YouTube views is hard for beginners, but here are some of the most common ones:

  • YouTube is the second most popular website in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users and 500 hours of video uploaded every minute. This means that there are millions of videos competing for the attention of the viewers, and it is hard to stand out from the crowd. Unless you have a unique niche, a loyal fan base, or a viral hit, it is unlikely that your videos will get noticed by the YouTube algorithm or the viewers.
  • YouTube is not only a platform for entertainment, but also for education, inspiration, and information. Viewers expect high-quality content that provides value, solves their problems, or satisfies their curiosity. If your videos are poorly produced, boring, or irrelevant, they will not attract or retain the viewers. You need to invest in good equipment, editing software, and research to create engaging and useful videos that meet the needs and expectations of your target audience.
  • Creating great videos is not enough. You also need to promote them to reach more potential viewers. You need to optimize your videos for SEO, use catchy titles and thumbnails, write compelling descriptions and tags, and share your videos on social media and other platforms. You also need to interact with your viewers, respond to their comments, and encourage them to like, share, and subscribe. Promotion is a crucial part of growing your YouTube channel, and it takes time and effort to do it effectively.
  • YouTube is not a one-time thing. You need to upload videos regularly and consistently to maintain and grow your audience. You need to have a schedule and stick to it, so that your viewers know when to expect new content from you. You also need to keep up with the trends and changes in your niche, and adapt your content accordingly. Consistency is key to building trust and loyalty with your viewers, and to show YouTube that you are a serious and reliable creator.

How to Overcome the Challenge of Gaining Real YouTube Views?

As you can see, gaining real YouTube views is hard for beginners, but it is not impossible. There are many ways to overcome this challenge and grow your channel, but here are some of the most effective ones:

  • Find your niche. One of the best ways to stand out from the competition and attract your ideal viewers is to find your niche. A niche is a specific topic or category that you focus on, and that you are passionate and knowledgeable about. For example, if you are a gamer, you can choose a niche like horror games, retro games, or indie games. By finding your niche, you can create content that is unique, relevant, and valuable to your target audience, and that they will not find anywhere else.
  • Improve your quality. Another way to overcome the challenge of gaining real YouTube views is to improve your quality. Quality is not only about the technical aspects of your videos, but also about the content itself. You need to create videos that are engaging, informative, and entertaining, and that provide value to your viewers. You need to research your topics, plan your scripts, use good lighting and sound, edit your videos professionally, and use attractive graphics and effects. You also need to experiment with different formats, styles, and lengths, and see what works best for your audience and your niche.
  • Promote your videos. A third way to overcome the challenge of gaining real YouTube views is to promote your videos. Promotion is not only about sharing your videos on social media and other platforms, but also about optimizing them for SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it is the process of making your videos more visible and discoverable by the YouTube algorithm and the viewers. You need to use keywords, titles, thumbnails, descriptions, and tags that are relevant to your niche and your content, and that match the search intent of your potential viewers. You also need to use hashtags, playlists, end screens, and cards to increase your exposure and engagement.
  • Be consistent. A fourth way to overcome the challenge of gaining real YouTube views is to be consistent. Consistency is not only about uploading videos regularly and frequently, but also about maintaining your quality, style, and voice. You need to have a schedule and stick to it, so that your viewers know when to expect new content from you. You also need to keep up with the trends and changes in your niche, and adapt your content accordingly. Consistency is key to building trust and loyalty with your viewers, and to show YouTube that you are a serious and reliable creator.

Five Tips to Get More Real YouTube Views

Besides the ways mentioned above, here are five more tips to get more real YouTube views:

  • Collaborate with other creators. Collaborating with other creators is a great way to reach new audiences, cross-promote your channels, and create interesting and diverse content. You can collaborate with creators in your niche, or in related niches, and make videos together, feature each other, or exchange shout-outs. You can also join networks, communities, and groups of creators, and support each other, share tips, and give feedback.
  • Use analytics. Analytics are the data and statistics that YouTube provides you about your channel, your videos, and your viewers. You can use analytics to track your performance, measure your results, and identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can also use analytics to understand your audience, their demographics, preferences, behavior, and feedback. You can use this information to improve your content, optimize your SEO, and tailor your promotion strategies.
  • Ask for feedback. Feedback is the opinions and suggestions that your viewers give you about your content, your channel, and your brand. You can ask for feedback by inviting your viewers to comment, like, share, and subscribe, and by creating polls, surveys, and quizzes. You can also ask for feedback by engaging with your viewers, responding to their comments, and answering their questions. Feedback is important to improve your quality, increase your engagement, and build a relationship with your audience.
  • Create a brand. A brand is the identity and personality that you create for your channel, your content, and yourself. A brand is what makes you unique, recognizable, and memorable, and what sets you apart from the competition. You can create a brand by choosing a name, a logo, a slogan, a color scheme, a tone, and a style that reflect your niche, your values, and your goals. You can also create a brand by having a mission, a vision, and a message that you want to share with your viewers.
  • Buy YouTube views. Buying YouTube views from Lenostube is one of the best ways to boost your visibility and credibility on YouTube. Lenostube is a platform that provides real, organic, and high-quality YouTube views at affordable prices. Lenostube helps you to increase your watch time, your retention rate, your ranking, and your exposure on YouTube. Lenostube also helps you to attract more real viewers, subscribers, and fans, and to grow your channel faster and easier.


Gaining real YouTube views is hard for beginners, but it is not impossible. By following the tips and strategies mentioned in this blog post, you can overcome this challenge and grow your channel. You can also buy YouTube views from Lenostube, one of the best platforms to boost your visibility and credibility on YouTube. Lenostube provides real, organic, and high-quality YouTube views at affordable prices, and helps you to attract more real viewers, subscribers, and fans.

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